6th Facility Management Conference

Presentations 2021

“New Technologies, New Services and People lead the sector in the next day“

“What does the future hold for FM, will FM be less about people?”

Αλέξανδρος Αλιβιζάτος, Chairman HFMA, General Manager Redex S.A
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“The IFMA Perspective on the Future of FM”

Peter Ankerstjerne, Chairman of the Board at IFMA, Chief Strategy Officer, Planon
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“The New Challenges in FM Sourcing”

Μαρινέλα Παΐδα, Group Indirect Procurement Director Corporate, BSS and Sustainability, Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company
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“The introduction and growth of Facilities Management in the Greek Public Sector through Concessions and PPPs”

Στέλιος Αδαμόπουλος, Project Manager & FM/OM Executive Consultant for the Concessions and PPP Unit of AVAX SA
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“ISO 41001:2018. Το νέο διεθνές πρότυπο για τo Facility Management Systems και οι αλλαγές που θα επιφέρει η εφαρμογή του”

Νέστορας Παπαρούπας, Product Manager, TÜV HELLAS (TÜV NORD)
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“Climate is changing… and so does the way we manage roadway assets”

Βασίλης Χαλκιάς, President, International Road Federation, Geneva, Switzerland
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“Digital technologies in FM: Reflections from an EuroFM perspective”

Pieter C. le Roux, Principal Lecturer | Researcher, Chair EuroFM
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“What we need from an iFM provider”

Παναγιώτης Δαμπάνης, Facilities Management Lead Property/FM , Vodafone-Panafon SA
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“The Essentials of Good Contract Management”

Stephen Frost, Facilities Management Consultant
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“A Short History of Facility Management Standardisation”

Jozsef Czerny, Chairman Management Society Hungarian Facility
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“Total Facility Management: Innovation during the pandemic”

Σάρρα Κωστάλα, Safety Manager, ΚΠΙΣΝ
Νίκος Πολεμικός, Facility Manager, ΚΠΙΣΝ
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“Building Information Modeling and Facility Management”

Simon Ashworth, Ph.D, Institute of Facility Management, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
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“Developing a Professional Presence in FM”

Sue Thompson, Assistant Vice President, Facilities Manager, Radian
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